The Bouquet Bag
The perfect companion for your beautiful fresh bouquet or full potted plants, making your shopping experience a delight and your hands free.
No more compromised flowers or foliage with a cone shaped design, open bottom, and long adjustable handles.
These sell out quick at the Farmers Markets here!
Disclaimer: Some products may have slight staining or patchwork as material is recycled directly from source. It has been washed but may have extra character
The perfect companion for your beautiful fresh bouquet or full potted plants, making your shopping experience a delight and your hands free.
No more compromised flowers or foliage with a cone shaped design, open bottom, and long adjustable handles.
These sell out quick at the Farmers Markets here!
Disclaimer: Some products may have slight staining or patchwork as material is recycled directly from source. It has been washed but may have extra character
The perfect companion for your beautiful fresh bouquet or full potted plants, making your shopping experience a delight and your hands free.
No more compromised flowers or foliage with a cone shaped design, open bottom, and long adjustable handles.
These sell out quick at the Farmers Markets here!
Disclaimer: Some products may have slight staining or patchwork as material is recycled directly from source. It has been washed but may have extra character